Thursday, March 17, 2011

Structured Workout - Beginners

So you run, you lift here or there, you walk your dog. But have you ever put yourself through a structured workout? Made a calendar with your work out schedule and goals? Kept a diary to see how you felt before/during/after? Probably not - but it's important.

For Beginners: 
If you've never had an exercise program and want a general one, here are some tips: 
1) Start out slowly - you will not be riding with Chrissie Wellington tomorrow so don't try to ride like it
2) Mix it up - bike today, run tomorrow and make it fun!
3) Include your friends - having a running buddy is great, unless you use that time to run like Phoebe from Friends
4) Set goals - why are you running? where to? if you don't know, why are you doing it?
5) Carve out a chunk of time each day - if you save that time, you won't have an excuse not to workout!
6) Reward yourself - and not with a piece of red velvet cake - think spa, mani/pedi, or massage... something that will make your body feel BETTER
7) Focus on the long-term - you running now might hurt a little bit, but in two weeks you'll be ready for bikini season and you might even live a little longer

Guidelines for Exercising Properly
Level 1 - Do something every day for at least 30 minutes! This includes golf, walking, gardening, stair climbing and household activies. Please recognize that if you do these things already - you are beyond Level 1 and you will need to climb into the the next level to reach any of your goals - whether it be weight loss or better overall health.
Level 2 - Do 20 minutes of aerobic exercise from 3-6 times a week. Aerobic exercise includes raising your heart rate to 50 - 80% of your max. Do this through running, biking, tennis, soccer or other active sports. Don't forget to stretch afterward - it helps increase flexibility and give ease to your lower back and legs.
Level 3 - In addition to cardio (level 2), add resistance exercise. Weight lifting and calisthenics help improve muscular strengthh and endurance!

It is important to reduce physical inactivity like playing computer/video games, watching tv. If you want to do these, rack up to a bike at the gym or in your living room, do wall sits or sit ups during commercials. The point is to be active!

For those who are more advanced, I've got an entry waiting for you! Just hold on sit tight and I'll post it later today.

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