Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Crazy 50

Today's workout: The Crazy 50

Warm Up / Cardio:
30 minute elliptical at an average level of 5: Four intervals of 2-minute 6:00/mile, 2-minute 7:00/mile and 3-minute 8:00/mile.

The Burn:
 Without Break - and as fast as you can...
50 back extensions (quick)
50 leg kicks (100 total: 50 each leg)
50 lunges
50 push ups
50 superman
50 lower-ab thrusters
50 jump ropes
50 lunge-side extensions
50 rotating leg extension/crunches

The Caveat:
Normally this would also include: 50 burpees, 50 mountain climbers, 50 pull ups (on the automatic pull up machine) and 50 box jumps. However, I personally am not as in shape as I would like at this moment.

The Descriptions
Back Extension -preferably on the back extension 'machine' - it's not a machine - merely two bars, a base and two pads on either side. make sure to keep your back STRAIGHT!
Leg kick - if you don't know this, just try to kick your self in the ass, you deserve it
Lunge - again, you should know this. remember to keep your back straight and don't lean forward
Push Ups - personally, I can't do 50 push ups in a row. first, I do them like a 'girl'. Second - I do 20, then 25 ab thrusters 25 supermen, 10 pushups 25 thrusters and 25 superman, and then 20 pushups.
Superman - lying facedown, reach arms forward, peel chest off ground, lift lower legs so legs are off the ground
Lower-ab Thrusters - lying on your back, legs straight up: push your legs as high as they go keeping them as close to a 90 degree as possible. keep your arms out, like you're lying in a cross
Jump Rope - look back to your childhood days
Lung-Side lung extensions - whatever you want to call them. lung to the side, holding a 5lb weight (or none if you're new), have the weight held above your head, then as hit the bottom of your lunge, extend the ball (with your arms straight) as far down to your knee as possible. Go back up and do it to the other side. Do 25 each side.
Rotating Leg-Extension Crunch - a bit more complicated. lying on the ground. knees curled to belly, extend flat to the ground, peel back up, rotate hip to the right with your shoulders flat on the ground, extend to the right. back, and again to the left. do 12 each to the side, 13 down the middle.

If you need pictures or video: comment, and I will upload!

For Beginners:
Please don't attempt to do 50 of all of these things if you have not worked out in a while, if your legs are not up to 'omg i don't want not walk tomorrow'. Even if you're not a 'beginner', but you've been sitting in a chair 60 hours a week - don't do 50. Try doing 25 of each. Or, if need be - do ten of each and treat it as a set. Do 10 reps of each exercise, three - five times. Experiment. And if so, do it with a friend! See who can do it faster :-)

Important: Don't forget to stretch!!


Leave it All on the Field

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