Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day "2" on photo frame collage

Painted the black frames today!! While they were drying I started to finish he final layout of the frames. I was also going to finish a side DIY project but I bought the wrong staples for the staple gun!

Friday, February 17, 2012

DIY Photo Frame Collage

A few weeks back I started collecting photo frames of various sizes (ie gong to goodwill and buying them cheap). I sanded them all down with a hand sander, wiped them off, drive out to the burbs to buy spray paint (BC of course if I live in the city my only intention of using spray paint is for tagging), and made a work area. I also had to wait till it was "nice" outside which at this point is all relative.

After sanding them down I started with a layout. Picked which frames would be painted white or black and began!

So far so good although I'm only a few frames in. Check back later for updates.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Three Minute Pasta

Last night I made three minute pasta with ground Turkey made up with garlic, onions, sun dried tomatoes, parsley and Italian seasoning. Was a little skeptical; f the tree minute pasta but it turned out great AND it was moderately healthy since there were no spices and I used turkey.

Tips: add as much garlic, onion, parsley and salt n' pepper as you want to flavor it. It won't tip the dial and you'll still be going back for more.

Monday, January 9, 2012

BodyRock Day 2

Today's workout was from  It consisted of: 

120 Jump Ropes for Warm Up

50 seconds on at full throttle 10 seconds rest of: 
1) Superman pushups
2) Elevated Push Ups & L/R knee-to-elbow touch on the medicine Ball
3) Squat & Press with 10lb ball
4) Clean and Press, Jump forward + 3 Squat Jumps, Jump backward
5) Reverse Pull Up
6) Side Jump Burpee + 2 knee-to-elbow Oblique Abs + Tuck Jump
7) Forward Lung + Side Lunge + Knee Lift with 10lb ball
8) Push Up & Burpee + Sumo Knee Touches
9) Tricep Dips
10) Overhead Abs with 10lb ball
11) Shoulder lift + Squat + Swith Shoulder Press with 10lb ball
12) Speed Run

Followed By for Time:
1) Low Squat Jump Press (30)
2) Single Arm Lateral Raise with Stable Lunge (15 each side)
3) Fireman's Lift x 30 (15 each side)
4) Single Arm Press, with Leg Lunge on Chair

With time I know I can get my reps up - but damn if I can do a tricep dip man.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Doggie Jogging

I have two rescues chocolate lab of the mixed variety. Bennie turned 3 today which means we've had him for a year and a half.
For Bennie's birthday and my workout I took the pups for a light jog. We went about three miles which seemed to cure the crazy gene.  The day we adopted Bennie - I took him for a jog.  He was completely crazy for everything but the jog. This will now be how I determine what dogs I rescue. And I'm only sort of kidding. He ran perfectly - right at my heel without too much curiosity and just like he did today.
Now Jet on the other hand - she likes to mush. If she weighed more I'd take her to Alaska and go on that Alaska wild show. But she only weighs 50 pounds wet. She LOVES to run she just has no idea how. She is all over the place: left, right, side to side, stopping or mushing. I always have to reign her back in.
But during the whole thing she smiles and her tongues hangs out her head so far it might hit he ground. I'm happy foe my rescue puppies and that they are happy - even if they don't have a big backyard they can get dirty in.

Medicine Ball @ Work

Do you have a desk job like me? Where you stare at a computer screen all day long - and they give you those $600 dollar chairs and expect them to actually do something for you? Well - I've got one of those stupid chairs - although I'm not sure it cost that much. But it gives me flat ass - or numb butt - or damn't - an ass I don't like and one that doesn't feel good. So I brought my medicine ball to work - as well as an electric air pump. 

I may be in banking, but that doesn't mean my caboose needs to pay for my job - not like my eyesight is anyway (which, by the way, is getting worse due to strenuous and stressful hours in front of a screen. thanks employer).

What  does sitting on an ab ball do for you while at work? First of all, it engages your core every second you sit there even if you are hunch-backing it - which I don't suggest you do though. It also strengthens your legs and rear end. And if you're quick enough, you can fit in a few situps here and there when your co-workers aren't around.

Regardless, if you're going to have a new years resolution at work - besides not eating all those cookies someone 'generously' brought in - grab a medicine ball, blow that baby up (add rice in the bottom to make it stay central to your location) and enjoy the benefits! 

Let's get healthy.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year - New Start - New Work Out

First off - good for those who have made if your new years resolution to get in shape. Please stick to it or get out the gym. Its a huge irritation of mine to find gyms exploding with members, of new-year-resolution-going folk who go for three months and forget that being healthy is a year round thing and not just to fit into a bikini by spring break (although I suppose I understand that at a minimum). If you make it now you can make it in later- I dare you to keep stealing my spot in spin class if you just promise to keep it up for 12 months. That includes holidays kids.
Second - I'll admit that post marathon I got a little lax in my workouts. But I still walk the dogs for 30-60 minutes every day and worked out at least 3 times a week, even if it was less difficult than usual. 

Third - this year I've vowed to get in shape faster or earlier or what have you than I have since I moved to Chicago. When I lived in Los Angeles there was never a cold spell too cold too not work out - the lowest it got was 50 on the beach and that's an outlier. Here I have adopted a lazier winter profile that has made getting into shape BY June harder when you start in May. So this year we are working harder, longer and stronger than the previous two winters. There will be no more "oh crap I didn't finish that race how I wanted to because I didn't train". This year I will train and I will reach my goals. 

So thus far in the new year I have hit three of four days doing cardio and weight routines, with the weight routine being more of a cardio weight-light core session. Its working - just ask my appetite. Past three days workouts are as follows:

-Monday: 45 elliptical; 30 free squats, shoulder-based medicine ball twists, medicine ball sit ups, 30 pushups, waist lifting core drill, superman flys and medicine ball flys. Sarah has asked me to take pictures so here are a few.

-Tuesday: treadmill progression: 3 minute warm up at 4, 0 incline; 20 minutes of 60 seconds at 4.6, 5% incline and 120 seconds at 4.6, 8% incline; followed by a mile run at a 8 or less minute pace and a 2 minute wall cool down. Also followed by a similar weight-light workout.

-Wednesday: 2 mile jog at 8 minute per mile pace. Followed by the day 1 challenge.
Don't know what tomorrow brings but good luck kids.

Ab Rotators with Raised Legs

Shoulder-Based Medicine Ball Twists

Sit Ups - Arms Raised (Part1)

Sit Up - Raised Arms (Part 2)

Superman (Back Strengthening)

Waist Lifter - Core Strengthening