Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year - New Start - New Work Out

First off - good for those who have made if your new years resolution to get in shape. Please stick to it or get out the gym. Its a huge irritation of mine to find gyms exploding with members, of new-year-resolution-going folk who go for three months and forget that being healthy is a year round thing and not just to fit into a bikini by spring break (although I suppose I understand that at a minimum). If you make it now you can make it in later- I dare you to keep stealing my spot in spin class if you just promise to keep it up for 12 months. That includes holidays kids.
Second - I'll admit that post marathon I got a little lax in my workouts. But I still walk the dogs for 30-60 minutes every day and worked out at least 3 times a week, even if it was less difficult than usual. 

Third - this year I've vowed to get in shape faster or earlier or what have you than I have since I moved to Chicago. When I lived in Los Angeles there was never a cold spell too cold too not work out - the lowest it got was 50 on the beach and that's an outlier. Here I have adopted a lazier winter profile that has made getting into shape BY June harder when you start in May. So this year we are working harder, longer and stronger than the previous two winters. There will be no more "oh crap I didn't finish that race how I wanted to because I didn't train". This year I will train and I will reach my goals. 

So thus far in the new year I have hit three of four days doing cardio and weight routines, with the weight routine being more of a cardio weight-light core session. Its working - just ask my appetite. Past three days workouts are as follows:

-Monday: 45 elliptical; 30 free squats, shoulder-based medicine ball twists, medicine ball sit ups, 30 pushups, waist lifting core drill, superman flys and medicine ball flys. Sarah has asked me to take pictures so here are a few.

-Tuesday: treadmill progression: 3 minute warm up at 4, 0 incline; 20 minutes of 60 seconds at 4.6, 5% incline and 120 seconds at 4.6, 8% incline; followed by a mile run at a 8 or less minute pace and a 2 minute wall cool down. Also followed by a similar weight-light workout.

-Wednesday: 2 mile jog at 8 minute per mile pace. Followed by the day 1 challenge.
Don't know what tomorrow brings but good luck kids.

Ab Rotators with Raised Legs

Shoulder-Based Medicine Ball Twists

Sit Ups - Arms Raised (Part1)

Sit Up - Raised Arms (Part 2)

Superman (Back Strengthening)

Waist Lifter - Core Strengthening

1 comment:

  1. A great indoor workout: the dancing game on the kinect :) (says your lazy cousin). Additionally, I am laughing at you for your cell-phone-pics-in-the-middle-of-the-workout. :)
