Tuesday, March 8, 2011


What is Leave it All on the Field? It could be a place. It could be a location. It could even be neither of these. Most importantly, it's a state of mind. For decades athletes have been told by their coaches to Leave it All on the Field. Experienced athletes tell rookie athletes in moments of advice - to Leave it All on the Field. There is no greater feeling that knowing - deep down in the pit of your stomach - that you couldn't have done more, that you couldn't have ran faster, swam farther, biked stronger. Knowing that you left every ounce of your abilities on the field - whether you lost or won - is the greatest feeling and the greatest state of mind.

The purpose of this blog is to nurture this sentiment: to guide and encourage athletes to have no regrets and to help non-athletes find their inner competitive nature. With work out plans, encouraging stories, racing event updates and overall fieldness. Yes - fieldness.

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions, stories or other encouragement on this blog. The more awareness, the better.

-Remember, Leave it all on the Field

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Scottie! Love this!

    I'd love a healthy meal plan for when I'm training for an event. Thanks!
