Thursday, January 5, 2012

Doggie Jogging

I have two rescues chocolate lab of the mixed variety. Bennie turned 3 today which means we've had him for a year and a half.
For Bennie's birthday and my workout I took the pups for a light jog. We went about three miles which seemed to cure the crazy gene.  The day we adopted Bennie - I took him for a jog.  He was completely crazy for everything but the jog. This will now be how I determine what dogs I rescue. And I'm only sort of kidding. He ran perfectly - right at my heel without too much curiosity and just like he did today.
Now Jet on the other hand - she likes to mush. If she weighed more I'd take her to Alaska and go on that Alaska wild show. But she only weighs 50 pounds wet. She LOVES to run she just has no idea how. She is all over the place: left, right, side to side, stopping or mushing. I always have to reign her back in.
But during the whole thing she smiles and her tongues hangs out her head so far it might hit he ground. I'm happy foe my rescue puppies and that they are happy - even if they don't have a big backyard they can get dirty in.

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